During BARCELONA IABMAS 2022: 11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management the IM-SAFE Project will present the Mini sYmposium: “Framework to Facilitate Proactive Maintenance Approaches in the Asset Management Based on the European IM-SAFE Project Findings”
This Mini Symposium outlines the research of the IM-SAFE Project related to the creation of a framework for a practical decision-making process for asset owners and operators to facilitate proactive maintenance, that overcomes the current barriers and reflects on the most recent developments of condition survey technologies and structural diagnostics, necessary to radically improve asset management and to guarantee safety and resilience of transport infrastructure. This Mini-symposium also provides the opportunity to disseminate and discuss latest technologies and methodologies to account for monitoring in safety assessment, risk evaluation and decision making on an international level that might be of high importance for the IM-SAFE project.