IM-SAFE focuses on the key stakeholders (influential for political and industrial support and decision-making regarding new standardisation). They will also be affected by the new standards in monitoring and maintenance. In order to actively involve all important stakeholders and experts in the process from preparing the mandate to CEN until the roll-out and adoption of the new standards by governments and industries, IM-SAFE establishes two stakeholder groups:
- Community of Practice (CoP), which consists of: representatives of national and regional authorities, public and private infrastructure asset owners and operators, construction and maintenance firms, design and engineering specialists, monitoring technology and ICT providers. Exchange of best practices and lessons-learned among the CoP members will also be encouraged and facilitated along with cross-country and international comparative studies.
- Standardisation Advisory Group (SAG), which consists of: European and international representatives from national standardisation bodies, EU and international platforms or umbrella organisations, experts from research institutes and universities. The SAG will review the IM-SAFE input for the EC to set up a mandate for the CEN, and the recommended technical background from IM-SAFE for the designated CEN/TC 250 working group. The SAG also consists qualified experts as possible candidates for the new standardisation working group.
The stakeholder activities will take place during the IM-SAFE project and will continue beyond the project duration.